Tuesday, September 2, 2014

#50 of 52 - Oregon Wine Country Half Marathon

I have wanted to do a half marathon put on by Destination Races since last fall. I finally got to do one last weekend! It was in the Willamette Valley in Oregon--the heart of wine country. The race was no more expensive than a mega race like the Seattle Half Marathon in November but it was infinitely better. For starters, it wasn't raining. The course was on rolling countryside roads while the sun was rising, and the scenery was beautiful. It was a little big race. It felt small and intimate yet there were 1,500 runners. The race started on a hilltop at Stoller Vineyards. The sun was rising over Mt Hood but I didn't get to see that part because there were too many clouds this year. Something to look forward to next year, perhaps.

I took this picture at the back of the start line. Then I walked about two-thirds toward the front.
Lining up for the start.

There were aid stations every few miles with water and sports drink. At mile 8, they served wine! I wish I had taken a picture of that aid station. At mile 10, there was a band playing in a field. At the finish, they handed out the coolest medals, and a wine glass. Of course, a free wine tasting with our new wine glasses ensued. I didn't count how many wines were offered but I guess there were around 15.
Country roads.
The band!

I loved the medal. This picture doesn't really show how beautiful it is.

I signed up for the pre-race dinner that was held the evening before at a winery surrounded by vineyards. It was a lovely place located on a hilltop. Before the dinner, we tasted wine and enjoyed the sunset. The grape vines were heavily laden with ripe fruit. There were hammocks swinging in the breeze. The food was delicious. I met some cool running folks. The founders of Destination Races spoke at the dinner and it was fun to hear their story about how these races got started.

The pre-race dinner was at Anne Amie Vineyards in Carlton, OR.

Watching the sun set while relaxing with my family on hammocks. (My kids screaming in the background--doesn't enhance the experience a whole lot.) 

This race is definitely one of my two most favorite races I've ever run. I would have rated it my very top race if it was on a trail rather than paved road. But I have to admit that the shoulder of the road was fantastic for running. I ran on the shoulder over 50% of the time. I think that is pretty incredible for a road run.

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