Thursday, December 26, 2013

My New Running Partner

 I ran 5 miles with Hero today. It seemed to be a walk in the park for him. I think he really enjoyed it,too!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

My Hero

I think I want to adopt our foster dog. He is a really nice dog--calm, great with kids, smart. He was brought to the Northwest from Georgia where he was scheduled to be euthanized. He doesn't act like he has been abused but he has had trauma in his life. He has a big wound on his back. Hair isn't going to grow there again. It looks grotesque. People look at me strangely when I take him for walks, so I keep his back covered when I am out with him. My only problem is I can't tell if he wants to kill our 2 cats or just play with them. I don't know how long I want to live in a divided house, constantly making sure doors are closed so Hero can't attack the cats. I don't think the cats are happy about it either!

Monday, December 16, 2013

#10 of 52 Holiday Half

Traveled with my family to Portland, OR last weekend and spend the night at our friends’ house. I packed a suitcase for my kids but it didn’t make it into the car. When we arrived in Portland, we had to go shopping for undies, socks, pajamas, shirts, pants, and toothbrushes. My daughter loves to shop so she was in heaven. The next day, I ran. It was a large road race. I realized about half way through that I could possibly PR. (I am referring to a PR for my 40’s. I don’t think I’ll ever match my PR from my 20’s.) In fact, I thought I could break 2 hours. But I ended up at 2 hrs and 2 minutes. Bummer.

It was misting out and it was boring. Am I already burnt out on running these half marathons?! Can I do 42 more of them??

On our way home from Portland, we picked up a rescue dog to foster. His name is Hero. I think I like him a lot!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Jingle Bell 5K

Today was the Jingle Bell 5K run in Seattle. I rallied my whole family for the race. I hope it becomes an annual tradition. We took the jogger with but both of the kids ran and walked the whole way. It was so cold out that I think they kept moving just to stay warm!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

#9 of 52 - Redmond Reindeer Romp

It has been 2 weeks since I’ve run a race. It was 24 degrees and the ground was frozen. It was at the Redmond Watershed and the trails are really nice there! There were few people in the race and I ran alone quite a bit. There were signs warning me to watch out for bears. That’s one way to make me run faster!