Three weeks ago, Hero went in for surgery. His scar tissue has been abscessing and getting infected for the last 9 months. The infections are resistant to antibiotics. The poor boy has been uncomfortable for a long time. We went to a dermatologist who took biopsies to make sure he didn't have cancer. Then, he referred us to a surgeon.
The surgeon said she could remove the scar tissue and put the edges of the good tissue together. We hope this works!
Hero came home the day after surgery. Most of his hair was shaved off! He couldn't lift his leg to pee. Poor kiddo. |
He was pretty groggy for a few days. It was the pain meds for sure. We needed to keep his activity to a minimum so the stitches would not rip. He seemed content with the kennel situation. |
After a few days, the bandages loosed and we got our first look at the stitches. He looked like Frankenstein! |
At two weeks post surgery, he had his stitches removed. He is healing up just fine! |